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姓  名侯万国性  别男出生年月1964-10所在院校山东大学所在院系化学与化工学院职称教授招生专业物理化学研究领域胶体与界面化学微纳米材料油田化学环境化学联系方式E-mail wghou@sdu.edu.cn
姓  名 侯万国 性  别 出生年月 1964-10
所在院校 山东大学 所在院系 化学与化工学院
职称 教授 招生专业 物理化学
研究领域 胶体与界面化学微纳米材料油田化学环境化学
联系方式 E-mail wghou@sdu.edu.cn 电 话 1395*******邮 编 250100
地 址 山东省济南市山大南路27号山东大学化学与化工学院
  姓 名 侯万国   性 别 男   出生日期 1964-10-20   学 历 博士研究生   职 称 教授  ( 博导 [聘任于1999])   学术身份 泰山学者   学术团体兼职 中国化学会胶体与界面化学专业委员会 委员   研究类别 物理化学 ::    工作单位 胶体与界面化学研究所 ::    电 话 13953188621   传 真 0531-88564750   地 址 济南山大南路27号   E-mail wghou@sdu.edu.cn   【学习及工作经历】   1979.9 ~ 1983.7     山东大学化学系                      本科生  1983.9 ~ 1986.7     山东大学化学系                      研究生  1986.8 ~ 1988.12    山东大学化学系                      助  教  1989.1 ~ 1994.12    山东大学胶体与界面化学研究所           讲  师  1995.1 ~ 1997.8     山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室   副教授  1997.9  至今         山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点...  姓 名 侯万国   性 别 男   出生日期 1964-10-20   学 历 博士研究生   职 称 教授 ( 博导 [聘任于1999])   学术身份 泰山学者   学术团体兼职 中国化学会胶体与界面化学专业委员会 委员   研究类别 物理化学 ::   工作单位 胶体与界面化学研究所 ::   电 话 13953188621   传 真 0531-88564750   地 址 济南山大南路27号   E-mail wghou@sdu.edu.cn   【学习及工作经历】   1979.9 ~ 1983.7 山东大学化学系 本科生  1983.9 ~ 1986.7 山东大学化学系 研究生  1986.8 ~ 1988.12 山东大学化学系 助 教  1989.1 ~ 1994.12 山东大学胶体与界面化学研究所 讲 师  1995.1 ~ 1997.8 山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室 副教授  1997.9 至今 山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室 教 授  2002.3~2003.3 加拿大Toronto大学,高级访问学者  【主讲课程】   《胶体与界面化学》(本科生)  《微纳米颗粒化学》(研究生)
  “多元金属氢氧化物超细粉制备及应用”   国家科技进步二等奖(2001)      排名第一  山东省科技进步一等将 (2000)     排名第一  “MMH正电溶胶”国家发明四等奖(1995)  排名第二  “多元金属氢氧化物超细粉制备及应用”   国家科技进步二等奖(2001) 排名第一  山东省科技进步一等将 (2000) 排名第一  “MMH正电溶胶”国家发明四等奖(1995) 排名第二

  专著:  侯万国,孙德军,张春光:《应用胶体化学》,科学出版社(1999)。  张春光,许同台,侯万国:《正电胶钻井液》,石油工业出版社(2000)。  王云峰,张春光,侯万国:《表面活性剂及其在油气田中的应用》,石油工业出版社 (1995)。

  近期代表性论文:Yan-Ni JIAO, Wan-Guo HOU; Colloid Surf. A. 2007 296:62-66; "Effects of structual charges on points of zero charge and intrinsic surface reaction equilibrium  constants of Zn-Al and Zn-Al-Fe hydrotalcite-like compounds"  X.N. Dai, W.G. Hou, H.D. Duan, P. Ni; Colloid Surf. A. 2007,295:139-145; "Thixotropy of Mg-Al-Layered Double Hydroxide/Kaolinte Dispersion"  Du, N.; Hou, W.-G; Song, S.-E. J. Phys. Chem. B., 2007,111(50):13909-13913; "A Novel Composite: Layered Double Hydroxide Encapsulated in Vesicles"  W.G. HOU, Y.L SU, D.J. SUN, C.G. ZHANG; Langmuir, 2001,17:1885; "Studies on zero point of charge and permanent charge denxity of Mg-Fe hydrotalcite-like compounds"  Wan-Guo HOU, Shu-E SONG; J. Colloid. Interface Sci., 2004, 269:381-387; "Intrinsic surface reaction equilibrium constants of structually charged amphoteric hydrotalcite-like compounds"  W.G. HOU, P. JIANG, S.H. HAN, J.F. HU, D.Q. LI; Colloid Polym. Sci., 2003,281:738; "Studies on zero point of charge and intrinsic ionization constant of Zn-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like compounds"  S.P. LI, W.G. HOU, D.J. SUN, P.Z. GUO, C.X JIA, J.F. HU; Langmuir, 2003.19(8):3172; "The Thixotropic Properites of Hydrotalcite-like compounds/montmorillonite suspensions"  S.H. HAN, W.G. HOU, X. YAN, Z.M. LI, D.Q. LI. Langmuir, 2003,19,4269-4271; "Effect of Pentanol on Morphologies and Pore Structure of Mesoporou Silica"  S.P. LI, W.G....

  专著:  侯万国,孙德军,张春光:《应用胶体化学》,科学出版社(1999)。  张春光,许同台,侯万国:《正电胶钻井液》,石油工业出版社(2000)。  王云峰,张春光,侯万国:《表面活性剂及其在油气田中的应用》,石油工业出版社 (1995)。

  近期代表性论文:Yan-Ni JIAO, Wan-Guo HOU; Colloid Surf. A. 2007 296:62-66; "Effects of structual charges on points of zero charge and intrinsic surface reaction equilibrium constants of Zn-Al and Zn-Al-Fe hydrotalcite-like compounds"  X.N. Dai, W.G. Hou, H.D. Duan, P. Ni; Colloid Surf. A. 2007,295:139-145; "Thixotropy of Mg-Al-Layered Double Hydroxide/Kaolinte Dispersion"  Du, N.; Hou, W.-G; Song, S.-E. J. Phys. Chem. B., 2007,111(50):13909-13913; "A Novel Composite: Layered Double Hydroxide Encapsulated in Vesicles"  W.G. HOU, Y.L SU, D.J. SUN, C.G. ZHANG; Langmuir, 2001,17:1885; "Studies on zero point of charge and permanent charge denxity of Mg-Fe hydrotalcite-like compounds"  Wan-Guo HOU, Shu-E SONG; J. Colloid. Interface Sci., 2004, 269:381-387; "Intrinsic surface reaction equilibrium constants of structually charged amphoteric hydrotalcite-like compounds"  W.G. HOU, P. JIANG, S.H. HAN, J.F. HU, D.Q. LI; Colloid Polym. Sci., 2003,281:738; "Studies on zero point of charge and intrinsic ionization constant of Zn-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like compounds"  S.P. LI, W.G. HOU, D.J. SUN, P.Z. GUO, C.X JIA, J.F. HU; Langmuir, 2003.19(8):3172; "The Thixotropic Properites of Hydrotalcite-like compounds/montmorillonite suspensions"  S.H. HAN, W.G. HOU, X. YAN, Z.M. LI, D.Q. LI. Langmuir, 2003,19,4269-4271; "Effect of Pentanol on Morphologies and Pore Structure of Mesoporou Silica"  S.P. LI, W.G. HOU, S.H. HAN; J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 2003,257:244; "Studies on intrinsic ionization constants of Fe-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like compounds"  S.P. LI, W.G. HOU, et al; Colloid Surface A, 2003,224:149; "Influence of measuring conditions on the thixotropy of hydrotalcite-like/montmorillonite suspension"  Shuhua HAN, Wanguo HOU, Wenxiu DANG, Jun XU, Jifan HU, Dongqing LI; Materials Letters, 2003,57:4520-4524; "Synthesis of rod-like mesoporous silica using mixed surfactants of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride as templates"  S. H. HAN, J. XU, W. G. HOU, X. M. YU, Y. S. WANG; J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004,108:15043-15048; "Synthesis of high quality MCM-48 mesoporous silica using Gemini surfactant dimethylene-1,2-bis(dodecyldimethylammonium bromide)"  S.P. LI, W.G. HOU, et al; J. Disper. Sci. Technol., 2003,24(1):145; "Influence of Electrolytes on the Thixotropy of Ferric Aluminum Magnesium Hydroxide-Montmorillonite Suspension"  S.H. HAN, W.G. HOU, W.X. DANG, J. XU, J.F. HU, D.Q. LI. Colloid Polym. Sci., 2004,282:761-765; "Synthesis of Rod-Like Mesoporous Silica with Hexagonal Appearance Using Sodium Silicate as Precursor"  W.G. HOU, S.H. HAN, D.X. LI, G.Y. ZHANG, Chin. J. Chem., 2004,22(3):268-270; "Intrinsic surface reaction constant in 1-pK model of Mg-Fe Hydrotalcite-like compounds"  Wang-guo HOU, Wei-an ZHAO, Dong-xiang LI; Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 2004,22(5):459-462; "Synthesis and properties of polystyrene/laponite nanocomposites"  GAO Yan-An, HOU Wan-Guo, WANG Zhong-Ni, HAN Bu-Xing, ZHANG Gao-Yong, LU Feng-Feng; Chin. J. Chem., 2005,23(4):362-366; "Dynamic surface tensions of fluorous surfactant solutions"  Yanan Gao, Shuaibing Han, Buxing Han, Ganzuo Li, Dong Shen, Zhonghao Li, Jimin Du, Wanguo Hou, Gaoyong Zhang; Langmuir, 2005,21:5681-5684; "TX-100/water/1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate Microemulsions"  Zhi Lin JIN, Wan Guo HOU, Xue Wei LI, De Jun SUN, Chun Guang ZHANG; Chin. Chem. Lett., 2005,16(6):835-838; "Formation and aggregation kinetics of mixed metal hydroxides agglomerates"  Yan-An Gao, Zhong-Hao Li, Ji-Min Du, Bu-Xing Han, Gan-Zuo Li, Wan-Guo Hou, Dong Shen, Li-Qiang Zheng, Gao-Yong Zhang; Chem. Eur. J., 2005, 11:5875-5880; "Preparation and Characterization of Inclusion Complxes of beta-Cyclodextrin with Ionic Liquid"  Jiangqiang LIU, Qizhen ZHANG, Jingzhi ZHANG, Wanguo HOU; J. Materials Science, 2005,40(17):4517-4521; "Photochemical behaviors of star-like liquid crystal with azobenzene terminal groups"  Jiangqiang LIU, Qizhen ZHANG, Jingzhi ZHANG, Wanguo HOU; Chin. Chem. Lett., 2005,16(10):1371-1374; "Photochromism of 36-Armed Liquid Crystalline Dendrimer"  Yanan Gao, Zhongni Wang, Wanguo Hou, Ganzuo Li, Buxing Han, Gaoyong Zhang; J. Disper. Sci. Technol., 2005,26:745-751; "Studies on dynamic surface tension of an outstanding microemulsifier in supercritical CO2 and its wetting performance"  Yanan Gao, Na Li, Liqing Zhang, Xueyan Zhao, Shaohua Zhang, Buxing Han, Wanguo Hou, Ganzuo Li; Green Chemistry, 2005 online; "A cyclic voltammetric technique for the detection of micro-regions of bmimPF6/Tween 20/H2O microemulsions and their performance characterization by UV-Vis spectroscopy"  LI Dong-Xiang, HOU Wan-Guo, LI Shu-Ping, HAO Ming-Tu, ZHANG Gao-Yong; Chin. Chem. Lett., 2004.15(2)"224-227; "The isoelectric point and the points of zero charge of Fe-Al-Mg hydrotalcite-like compounds"  J. XU, S.H. HAN, W.G. HOU, W.X. DANG, X. YAN; Colloid Surface A, 2004,248:75-78; "Synthesis of high quality MCM-48 mesoporous silica using cationic Gemini surfactant C12-1-12"  Lin Xiuli, Xu Jian, Hou Wanguo, Sun Dejun; Colloid Surface A, 2004,237:1-6; "Effect of additives on the cloud points of two tri-block copolymers in aqueous solution"  Xiuli LIN, Wanguo HOU, Chenfu ZHU; Analytical Sci., 2003,19(11):1509-1512; "Enatiomer separation of miconazole by capillary electrophoresis with dual cyclodextrin systems"  Shu Hua HAN, Wan Guo HOU, Wen Xiu DANG, Jun XU; Chin. Chem. Lett., 2003,14(6):605-608; "Coordination structure of aluminum in magnesium aluminum hydroxide studied by 27Al NMR"

