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姓  名张平文性  别男出生年月所在院校北京大学所在院系数学科学学院职称教授招生专业计算数学研究领域复杂流体的多尺度建模与计算多尺度分析与计算移动网格方法及其应用联系方式E-mail pzh
姓  名 张平文 性  别 出生年月
所在院校 北京大学 所在院系 数学科学学院
职称 教授 招生专业 计算数学
研究领域 复杂流体的多尺度建模与计算多尺度分析与计算移动网格方法及其应用
联系方式 E-mail pzhang@pku.edu.cn 电 话 86-1*******邮 编 100871
地 址 北京大学数学科学学院

北京大学数学科学学院副院长  北京大学科学与工程计算中心常务副主任 

北京大学数学科学学院副院长 北京大学科学与工程计算中心常务副主任

教育部创新团队“偏微分方程数值计算及其应用”带头人(2007年) “基于调和映射的移动网格方法及其应用”获得教育部高校科学技术奖自然科学一等奖(2007年) 中国工业与应用数学学会副理事长(2004年-至今) 中国计算数学学会副理事长(2002-2006) 长江学者(2002年-至今) 国家杰出青年基金获得者(2002年) 北京市“五四”奖章获得者(2002年) 教育部首届高等学校优秀...教育部创新团队“偏微分方程数值计算及其应用”带头人(2007年) “基于调和映射的移动网格方法及其应用”获得教育部高校科学技术奖自然科学一等奖(2007年) 中国工业与应用数学学会副理事长(2004年-至今) 中国计算数学学会副理事长(2002-2006) 长江学者(2002年-至今) 国家杰出青年基金获得者(2002年) 北京市“五四”奖章获得者(2002年) 教育部首届高等学校优秀青年教师教学科研奖励计划“青年教师奖”(2000年) 冯康科学计算奖(1999年) 霍英东教育基金会第七届高等院校青年教师奖(研究类)一等奖(1999年)
Crucial Properties of the Moment Closure Model FENE-QE [PDF]with Han Wang, Kun LiJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 150(2-3), 80-92 (2008). An Efficient Numerical Method of Landau-Brazovskii Model [PDF]with Xinwei ZhangJournal of Computational Physics, 227 (11) 5859-5870 (2008). Numerical Simulation of Phase Separation Coupled with Crystallization [PDF]with Dongzhuo Zhou, An-Chang ShiJournal of Chemical Physics, Volume: 129 Issue: 15 (2008). Continuum theory of a moving membrane [PDF]with Dan Hu and Weinan EPhysical Review E 75 (4): Art. No. 041605 Part 1 APR (2007) A kinetic-hydrodynamic simulation of microstructure of liquid crystal polymers in plane shear flow [PDF]with Haijun YuJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 141(2-3): 116-127 FEB 15 (2007) Mathematical analysis of multi-scale models of complex fluids [PDF]with Tiejun LiCommunications in Mathematical Sciences 5 (1): 1-51 MAR (2007) Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for parabolic homogenization problems [PDF]with Pingbing MingMathematics of Computation 76 (257): 153-177 (2007) Moving mesh methods for singular problems on a sphere using perturbed harmonic mappings [PDF]with Yana Di, Ruo Li and Tao TangSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28, 1490-1508. (2006) Modified models of polymer phase separation [PDF]with Douglas Zhou and Weinan EPhysical Review E 73 (6): Art. No. 061801 Part 1 JUN (2006) A Molecular Kinetic Theory of Inhomogeneous Liquid Crystal Flow and the Small Deborah Number Li...Crucial Properties of the Moment Closure Model FENE-QE [PDF]with Han Wang, Kun LiJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 150(2-3), 80-92 (2008). An Efficient Numerical Method of Landau-Brazovskii Model [PDF]with Xinwei ZhangJournal of Computational Physics, 227 (11) 5859-5870 (2008). Numerical Simulation of Phase Separation Coupled with Crystallization [PDF]with Dongzhuo Zhou, An-Chang ShiJournal of Chemical Physics, Volume: 129 Issue: 15 (2008). Continuum theory of a moving membrane [PDF]with Dan Hu and Weinan EPhysical Review E 75 (4): Art. No. 041605 Part 1 APR (2007) A kinetic-hydrodynamic simulation of microstructure of liquid crystal polymers in plane shear flow [PDF]with Haijun YuJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 141(2-3): 116-127 FEB 15 (2007) Mathematical analysis of multi-scale models of complex fluids [PDF]with Tiejun LiCommunications in Mathematical Sciences 5 (1): 1-51 MAR (2007) Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for parabolic homogenization problems [PDF]with Pingbing MingMathematics of Computation 76 (257): 153-177 (2007) Moving mesh methods for singular problems on a sphere using perturbed harmonic mappings [PDF]with Yana Di, Ruo Li and Tao TangSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28, 1490-1508. (2006) Modified models of polymer phase separation [PDF]with Douglas Zhou and Weinan EPhysical Review E 73 (6): Art. No. 061801 Part 1 JUN (2006) A Molecular Kinetic Theory of Inhomogeneous Liquid Crystal Flow and the Small Deborah Number Limit [PDF]with Weinan EMethods and Applications of Analysis Vol. 13, No. 2, 181-198, JUN (2006) Local existence for the FENE-dumbbell model of polymeric fluids [PDF]with Hui ZhangArchive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 181 (2): 373-400 JUL (2006) Convergence analysis of BCF method for Hookean dumbbell model with finite difference scheme [PDF]with Tiejun LiMultiscale Modeling & Simulation 5 (1): 205-234(2006) Discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD)methods for the study of 2-D waveguide-coupled microring resonators [PDF]with Xia Ji, Tiao Lu T and Wei CaiJournal of Light-wave Technology 23 (11): 3864-3874 (2005) Axial symmetry and classification of stationary solutions of Doi-onsager equation on the sphere with Maier-Saupe potentia [PDF]with Hailiang Liu and Hui ZhangCommunications in Mathematical Sciences, 3 201-218, (2005) Discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method for GPR simulation in dispersive media [PDF]with Tiao Lu and Wei CaiIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43 (1): 72-80, (2005) Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic homogenization problems [PDF]with Weinan E and Pingbing MingJournal of the American Mathematical Society 18 (1): 121-156, (2005) The structure of equilibrium solutions of one-dimensional Doi equation [PDF]with Chong Luo and Hui ZhangNonlinearity, 18, 379-389, (2005) Discontinuous Galerkin methods for dispersive and lossy Maxwell's equations and PML boundary conditions [PDF]with Tiao Lu and Wei CaiJournal of Computational Physics 200 (2): 549-580, (2004) Local existence for the dumbbell model of polymeric fluids [PDF]with Tiejun Li and Hui ZhangCommunications in Partial Differential Equations 29 (5-6): 903-923, (2004) Well-posedness for the dumbbell model of polymeric fluids [PDF]with Weinan E and Tiejun LiCommunications in Mathematical Physics 248 (2): 409-427, (2004) An adaptive mesh redistribution method for nonlinear hamiltonian-jacobi equations in two- and three dimensions [PDF]with Huazhong Tang and Tao TangJournal of Computational Physics, Vol 188/2 543 - 572, (2003) Convergence of a boundary integral method for 3-D water waves with Thomas Y. HouDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B Vol. 2, Number 1, 1-34 (2002). A Moving Mesh Finite Element Algorithm for Singular Problems for Two and Three Space Dimensions [PDF]with Rou Li and Tao TangJournal Computational Physics 177,365-393 (2002). Moving Mesh Methods in Multiple Dimensions based on Harmonic Maps [PDF]with Rou Li and Tao TangJournal of Computational Physics 170, 562-588 (2001). Optimal L1 Rate of Convergence for Viscosity Method and Monotone Scheme to Piecewise Constant Solution with Shocks [PDF]with Zhenhuan TengSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis , Vol. 34, 3, 959-978 (1997). Well-posedness for linearized motion of 3-D water waves far from equilibrium with Thomas Y. Hou and Zhenhuan TengCommunications in Partial Differential Equations, 21 (9&10), 1551-1585, (1996). Convergence of variable-elliptic-vortex method for Euler equations [PDF]with Zhenhuan Teng and Long-an YingSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol 32 No. 3, 754-774, (1995). Fully discrete convergence estimates for vortex methods in bounded domains [PDF]with Long-an YingSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol 31, No. 2, 344-361,(1994).


