1984 /09至1988/07北京化工大学 本科 高分子化工
1988/09至1991/03北京化工大学 硕士研究生 高分子材料
2000/09至2001/08日本大阪大学 进修 固体物理
2002/09至2007/05北京化工大学 博士研究生 高分子化学与物理
2010/01至今 北京化工大学 材料科学与工程学院 教授
1. 热固性基体树脂合成方法学和技术;
2. 高性能(功能)体形聚合物结构设计/合成,及其在胶粘剂和复合材料基体树脂中的应用;
3. 阻燃耐热保温材料的科学与技术;
4. 热固性基体树脂微球的制备科学与技术
[1]Kaiwen Zheng,Junying Zhang,Jue Cheng .Morphology,Structure, Miscibility, and Properties of Wholly Soybased Semi-interpenetratingPolymer Networks from Soy?Oil?Polyol-based Polyurethane and Modified Soy ProteinIsolate[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52,14335-14341.
[2]Mengjin Fan,Jialin Liu,Xiangyuan Li,Jue Cheng,Junying Zhang.Curing behaviors and properties of an extrinsictoughenedepoxy/anhydride system and an intrinsic toughened epoxy/anhydridesystem[J].Thermochimica Acta,554 (2013) 39–47.
[3]MengjinFan, Heng Yu, Xiangyuan Li, Jue Cheng, JunyingZhang. Thermomechanical and shape-memory properties of epoxy-basedshape-memory polymer using diglycidyl ether of ethoxylated bisphenol-A[J]. Smart Mater. Struct. , 22 (2013) 055034.
[4]Zhang.GP, Cheng.J, Shi.L, Lin.X, Zhang.JY. Study on curing kinetics ofdiallyl-bearing epoxy resin using sulfur as curing agent, Thermochimica Acta,2012,538:36-42
[5] CaoChunli, Cheng Jue, Liu Xiaodi. Study of Properties of One-ComponentMoisture-Curable Polyurethane and Silane Modified Polyurethane Adhesives, Journalof Adhesion Science and Technology, 2012,26(10-11):1395-1405
[6] ChengJue, Li Juan, Yang Wantai. Curing Behavior and Thermal Properties ofTrifunctional Epoxy Resin Cured by 4, 4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane, J.Applied Polymer Science, 2009,114(4):1976-1983
[7] Cheng Jue, Li Juan, Zhang Junying. CuringBehavior and Thermal Properties of Trifunctional Epoxy Resin Cured by 4, 4’-Diaminodiphenyl sulfone, expresspolymer letters. 2009, 3(8),501-509. DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2009.62
[8] Xu Xu, Zichao Jin, Jue Cheng. Preparation of Phenolic Microspheresin Water/‘Water’ System. Polymerfor advanced technology, 2012
[9] Jing Guo,Wencheng Xu, Jue Cheng. Synthesis of1,1,2,2-Tetrakis(Hydroxyphenyl) Ethane Tetraglycidyl Ether Epoxy Resin and its fluorescent property.ISIMME2010, Changzhou,2010.9.19-22
[10] Cheng Jue, Li Juan, Yang Wantai. Synthesis and Characterization of NovelMultifunctional Epoxy Resin, Chinese chemical letters, 2007, 18: 469-472
[11]Cheng Jue, Zheng Yi, Yang Wantai. SurfaceGrafting of Phenolic resole onto Polyethylene Films. Chinese chemical letters, 2006, 17(8): 1133-1136
[12]Cheng Jue, Zheng Yi,Yang Wantai. Surface Grafting ofResorcinol onto Polyethylene Film,Journalof Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2006, 57(12): 3029-3032
[13] Y.F.Li, J.Cheng,J.Y.Zhang. Study on the Synthesis of Thiirane J. Applied Polymer Science,2006,101(6):4023-4027